Speed to Insight. Lawfully & Ethically.



The COVID-19 pandemic has established a “new normal” where the processing of digital assets to create timely data-driven insights is increasingly important.

The organisations that will re-emerge stronger are the ones that are driving digital transformation to maximise data value for the benefit of their customers.

Our premise is that organisations need Speed To Insight, Lawfully and Ethically. Without this speed to insight, organisations will be left behind, and without doing it lawfully and ethically, risk of liability or disruption to operations arises.

Anonos BigPrivacy software and API-based solutions uniquely embed policy, privacy and security controls into data flows to manage risk while data is in use.

Anonos solves one of the biggest challenges to successful digital transformation: balancing data utility and data protection to enable maximum value from sophisticated analytics, AI, machine learning (ML), data sharing, combining, and enriching in real-time, while ensuring that data is protected in use.

For an organisation to be successful, it must harmonise data protection and data use by fully involving and aligning different stakeholder groups within the organisation. No matter an individual’s area of responsibility, they will need buy-in from other stakeholder groups to achieve demonstrable harmonisation of data protection and data innovation.

Accordingly, this Blueprint is organised into three parts to cover the perspectives of BUSINESS, TECHNOLOGY and COMPLIANCE. All three areas must work together and be aligned to achieve maximum data utility and protection simultaneously.

In the BUSINESS section we first discuss the key business benefits that arise from using Anonos BigPrivacy by focusing on “What We Solved For and Why” and discussing critical use cases that Anonos’ software, API-based solutions and IP address. Then, we provide excerpts from a series of “Fireside Chats”, with Doug Laney, the author of Infonomics: How to Monetize, Manage and Measure Information as an Asset.1 These “Fireside Chats” approach the issue of organisational data use from several different perspectives and highlight a number of business use cases that Anonos helps to solve.

Next, in the TECHNOLOGY section we examine the technology behind Anonos BigPrivacy and how it functions, including a discussion of how GPDR-compliant Pseudonymisation is applied and how specialised privacy-respectful digital twins called “Variant Twins®” are created.

Finally, the COMPLIANCE section covers a number of specific regulatory and legal benefits of using Anonos BigPrivacy technology, including what we call “Data Safe Havens”. These Data Safe Havens are specific GDPR legal benefits that come from dealing with data control management and data use enablement using BigPrivacy technology.


Use Case: Decentralised Data Analytics, AI, ML, Sharing, Combining & Enriching

Use Case: Compliant Cross Border Data Flows

Use Case: IoT and 5G: Maximum Data For Digital Insights

Use Case: Blockchain: How to Make it GDPR Compliant

Use Case: Speed To Insight, Lawfully & Ethically

Use Case: Enabling Access to Data for Digital Insights

Use Case: Automated Processing for Frictionless Insights

Use Case: Defending Lawfulness and Ethics of Desired Processing

Use Case: Lawful Processing of Pre-GDPR Clinical Trial Data

Use Case: Avoiding Undesirable Consequences of Withdrawal of Consent

Use Case: Banking: Lawful Marketing (Secondary Processing) to Customers

Use Case: Medical Research: Dynamic Data Use Controls

Use Case: Self-Service Business Intelligence: Lawfully & Ethically

Use Case: Maximising Utility of Research Study Results

Use Case: GDPR Compliant Cloud Processing