Key Takeaways
Speed to Insight. Lawfully & Ethically.

Key Takeaways

This Blueprint describes how Anonos BigPrivacy software, Lawful Insights API and Anonos Intellectual Property (IP) can embed policy, privacy and security controls into data flows to manage risk while data is in use.

Anonos solves one of the biggest challenges to successful digital transformation: balancing data utility and data protection to enable maximum value from sophisticated analytics, AI, machine learning (ML), data sharing, combining, and enriching in real-time while ensuring that data is protected in use

Approaching data enablement technology solutions with an approach based on functional separation, Anonos has implemented a combination of anonymisation techniques, GDPR-compliant Pseudonymisation, k-anonymity, and patented Controlled Linkable Data to produce privacy-respectful Variant Twins. These Variant Twins enable the use, sharing, and combining of data assets in distributed and decentralised processing environments.

For an organisation to be successful, it must harmonise data protection and data use by fully involving and aligning different stakeholder groups within the organisation. To that end, this Blueprint covers the perspective of Business, Technology and Compliance, to show how Anonos BigPrivacy is the state of the-art in technology enabling Speed To Insight, Lawfully and Ethically.

Key Takeaways